10 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

What is Potassium Deficiency (Hypokalemia)?

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What is Potassium Deficiency (Hypokalemia) ?

Potassium Rich Foods
Potassium deficiency(hypokalemia) can be fatal at times if not taken care of. A person may alsodevelop Potassium deficiency due to extra excretion of Potassium or lowerquantity of Potassium in daily diet.
Symptoms of Hypokalemia:
Hypokalemia ranges fromvery ornate to severe level. A person suffering from simple/harmless/primarystaged hypokalemia may experience no symptoms at all, but general symptoms ofhypokalemia are:
* Fatigue
* Patient may experienceproblems such as Myalgia and muscular weakness
* Patient may experiencehyponatremia and also may experience confused i.e. anxiety.
* Acme problem
* Skin related problems suchas blistering, skin eruptions, dryness of skin etc.
* Temporary memory loss orproblems such as weak memory etc.
* Patient is prone to heartrelated problems, such as heart deterioration.
* Digestive system also mayget affected due to potassium deficiency leading to hypertension, impropersleep, nervous system deterioration, depression, constipation etc.
* In some cases patient mayexperience ringing/noise in ear.

There can be more than onereasons of potassium deficiency (hypokalemia) in a person such as lower levelof Potassium in daily diet (i.e. insufficient potassium consumption),excess
potassium excretion throughbowel motions or urine, if a person is undergoing medication that as a sideeffect causes lowering in Potassium level in body, if a patient is sufferingfrom problems such as diabetic ketoacidosis, related to renal salt transporters(Bartter Syndrome or Gitelman Syndrome), it may lead to hypokalemia, if aperson is suffering from diseases which cause excessive excretion of potassiumthrough bowel motion or urination can lead to hypokalemia etc.

Treatments available forhypokalemia:
Your physician may alsosuggest you medication to improve Potassium level in your body.
In order to avoidHypokalemia, you should prefer potassium rich food and balanced diet inyour daily meal.
Include Potassium richfood are as follow :
Orange, banana, potato,tomato, watermelon, beans, some type of cereals, dried fruits such as peaches,dates, apricots, raisins etc., meat, grapes, milk, egg-yogurt, spinach etc.

Potassium Rich Food

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