2 Ekim 2012 Salı

Potassium-rich foods deter muscle cramps

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Potassium-rich foods deter Muscle Cramps

What can I eat to help reduce muscle cramping?Spring is in full swing and park paths are full of joggers and walkersshedding that winter weight. Bananas are a good source of potassium rich, andtoo low a level of this mineral may be one cause of muscle cramping.Potassium rich foods, anessential nutrient in the diet, is an electrolyte -- an ionized salt in thebody that can become electrically charged. Potassium and sodium work togetheracross cell membranes to regulate muscle contractions, among other criticalbody functions. If there's too little potassium, a condition called hypokalemiacan result.Symptoms include fatigue, muscle weakness and cramping, intestinalcomplications, and in a worst-case scenario, muscular paralysis.The recommendeddaily amount of potassium is 2,000 milligrams for anyone 10 years or older, butsome health authorities recommend up to 3,500 milligrams a day to help reducehigh blood pressure.Foods higher in potassium include :
  • a medium baked potato with skin (721 mg),
  • one-half cup dried prunes (633 mg),
  • one-half cup raisins (598 mg)
  • six fluid ounces of prune juice (530 mg).
  • Potassium-rich foods in the middle range include :
  • a medium banana (467 mg),
  • six ounces of orange juice (354 mg),
  • one-half cup cooked lima beans (478 mg)
  • one-half cup cooked spinach (419 mg).
  • Lower (but still good) sources of potassium include:
  • one ounce almonds (211 mg),
  • a medium tomato (273 mg)
  • an ounce of sunflower seeds (241 mg).
Potassium rich foods....

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