Potassium rich foods....Known causes of potassiumdeficiency include excessive diarrhea and vomiting. If the vomiting isself-induced, as in bulimia, psychiatric treatment may be indicated.
Hyperthyroidism, an illnessof the thyroid, the main hormone producing gland, is also known to causepotassium deficiency. There are numerous treatments available forhyperthyroidism, all requiring some level of medical supervision.Medicationsknown to increase the likelihood of potassium deficiency includediuretics, cortisones and drugs for controlling high blood pressure. Alternatemedications and/or treatments can be explored with a medical professional. Ifchanging medications is not feasible, it may be necessary to supplement withpotassium or mineral tablets.
It has been suggested thatpotassium deficiency may be a side effect of malfunctioning kidneys thatcontributes to rheumatoidal arthritis; currently there is little data tosupport this theory. However, hyperkalemia, or excessive potassium in theblood, has been linked to kidney problems. Potassium rich foods..
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