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By Ian Williamson
When it comes to exercise, theword 'intervals' puts fear in many peoples' minds. Intervals aresometimes misunderstood, but adding them to your exercise program canhelp you burn fat and get in shape quicker.
Intervals are not for everyone.To begin performing intervals, you should be in good condition, and aphysical from your doctor is highly recommended.
What are intervals? The easiestdefinition would be periods of high intensity exercise followed byrecovery periods of low intensity exercise.
Here's an example. You arefollowing a walking program and have been walking briskly for thirtyminutes a day, four days a week. You feel pretty good but would like tolose weight a little quicker.
Intervals might be perfect foryou. Begin your regular walking program and after five minutes, jog forten, twenty, thirty seconds or more. Your heart rate will begin toincrease and your breathing will pick up. After this period, return towalking briskly until you have completely recovered. Then, begin to jogagain.
In the beginning, you may onlywant to perform two or three of these short jogs. That's fine. Do what'scomfortable for you. Later, as you become more accustomed to thisroutine, you can add more jogs or increase the length of time you jog.
During each period of jogging,your heart rate has increased. When you stop jogging and continuewalking, your heart rate will be at an increased rate for a minute orso. This is an added benefit. During aerobic exercise you want yourheart rate to increase, which makes it stronger and makes you healthier.
Intervals work great on atreadmill. You can increase the speed for however long you want, or youcan increase the height for added difficulty.
This is interval training at alow level but you still get benefits from it. You can follow a similarroutine in your other aerobic exercise, as well. For instance, if youare riding a bike for exercise, every so often pedal faster until youbegin breathing heavier, and then return to riding as before.
You can see that intervaltraining is not only for athletes. It's one of the fastest and mosteffective means of reaching a top level of fitness and decreasing bodyfat. Do these routines three or four days a week and watch your fitnesslevel go up while your pounds begin to disappear.
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